Fermented Garlic


Fermented Garlic2.jpg

Fermentation is a process that involves the breakdown of carbs by bacteria into alcohol or acids. The alcohol or acids are a natural preservative, giving fermented foods a distinct zest or tartness. Fermentation promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and play a significant role in supporting immune function as well as digestive and heart health. 

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Yield: 1.5 Cups


½ Cup of Chopped Garlic (or sliced… I slice mine on a mandolin)

1 Cups of Organic White Distilled Vinegar


  1. Peel and chop or slice the Garlic.

  2. In an air tight container, cover the Garlic with the White Distilled Vinegar.

  3. Leave out at room temperature, in a shady but not cold place for up to three days. 

Temperature affects fermentation and time… if you live somewhere hot, check your garlic in two days. If you live somewhere cold, your ferment will take longer.

How do I know when it’s ready? You will know by reading the signs of your ferment. Now that it is alive, here is how it will show you: tiny bubbles (lactic acid) that begin to form at the top, aroma – should be and will be strong but pleasant. If your fermented foods smell rotten, throw them out. 

Helpful Tips and Notes

  • Fermented Garlic is a terrific base for many chutneys, sauces and relishes. You will find a few recipes on how to use this garlic ferment in our recipes section! 

  • This recipe is good for a long time, kept under refrigeration in an air tight container. 

  • Blue Garlic? Don’t worry – there’s nothing to be afraid of and you don’t need to throw it away. This could be your ticket to feeding your young ones fermented foods – happy accident but here is why it happened: Garlic has allicin, giving it a distinctive scent. Allicin, reacts to amino acids, producing rings of carbon-nitrogen called pyrroles. Pyrolls linked together throw colors. Four linked cause green and three clustered together create blue. This reaction can occur when the garlic is in contact with certain metals including copper, aluminum, iron and tin.

Recipe by Isabelle Jackson Nunes